Gear up your practice for the digital future

Digitise your medical records

Medical and Healthcare Records Digitisation

Why Should I Digitise My Medical Records?

Being a healthcare practitioner isn’t all about patient care. Seeing patients also means seeing to mounds of paperwork – like patient medical records that pile up in boxes in your practice.

For successful medical, healthcare, and dental practices, digitising medical records provides a long-term solution, enabling seamless and secure communication of patient data, helping you save space and comply with medical records retention requirements, and ensuring your patients benefit from streamlined service in a clutter-free, future-forward environment.

Digitisation Image

What are Our Digitalisation Solutions for Medical, Dental and Healthcare Practices?

Whether gearing up a practice for the digital future or preparing it for sale, merger, or closure ADEC Preview can help:

  • GPs and specialist physicians
  • Physiotherapists and chiropractors
  • Opticians and optometrists
  • Counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Dentists and dental specialists
  • Veterinarians and veterinary surgeons
  • Any healthcare practitioner who manages medical records.

With our digitalisation solutions for medical, dental and healthcare practices, you can transition from paper to pixels, cost-effectively and easily, leaving you free to focus on patient care.

The full range of services we deliver includes packing, collection, document digitisation, secure destruction and data hosting, with costs calculated on documents scanned, and the type of indexing required.


Full Range of Services We Deliver:

  • Document

  • Document

  • Document

  • Blank page

  • Document

  • Saved to

  • Document

  • Certificate of

How Does it Work?

Scan Medical Records

Medical records scanning work is carried out at ADEC Preview’s secure and specialist off-site facility.

You have the option of sending documents to us, or we can pack/collect and safely transport them to our facility in New South Wales.

Document Preparation

We thoroughly prepare medical documents for scanning. This can include removing staples, binding, and other materials that might obscure or prevent processing through our high-tech scanners.

Blank Page Deletion

After scanning, blank pages are deleted and documents are indexed according to your specifications.

Document Indexing

You can choose a variety of indexing options; we can index by:

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Date of birth
  • Patient record
  • Any other requirements.

Our clients usually opt for two or three indexing approaches per data set (often that mirrors their physical filing system) to ensure easy retrieval.

Document Storing

Digital files are then saved to a hard drive or USB, as per your preference, and handed over to you. We recommend backing up files to another location, like the cloud. There is also the option for us to store your digital documents in the cloud for you.

Secure Document Destruction

Paper records are kept for three months, before permission is sought to destroy the files. We never destroy files without permission. 

For your records, a certificate is issued to confirm document destruction.

Just What the Doctor Ordered!

We service solo practices, group practices, private practices, clinics, and hospitals, offering:

  • Scan on demand – and only what you need
  • Receive digital files 2-4 hours from request
  • Trackpro – real-time monitoring of job progress
  • eView+ Web repository - view documents anywhere, anytime
  • Specialised conversion, custom programming and indexing for popular document management software.

Giving Healthcare Professionals Power Over Their Patients Records Management

Managing medical records is part and parcel of every practice, and compliance is key. Medical professionals are required to retain medical and patient records for the retention periods stipulated in their state or territory. Our end-to-end document management solutions for the healthcare industry allow healthcare professionals in Australia to secure document destruction in line with their region of operation*.

We have over 20 years of experience working with healthcare organisations of every size to digitise their most important records and are the preferred partners for medical records scanning in New South Wales.

Adec Preview Quote

With New South Wales requiring retention of medical records for a minimum of ten years after last attendance, storage space can become an issue, as can potential deterioration of documents in long-term storage.

See how we helped this plastic surgeon declutter and protect his records, or how we helped a hospital digitise documents threatened by mould when fungi infected their records storage rooms.

*Please check the legislation pertaining to your territory of operation to ensure regulatory compliance. Please also consider any other applicable State/Commonwealth legislation or professional standards that apply to business and patient records, including the right to information and personal information protection.

Get In Touch

Ready to see how we can help you digitise your medical files? We'd love to have a conversation to take you through the options. Fill in the form and we'll get in touch.

* All fields are required when completing this form.