June 2011
Move to New Facility

With the significant growth of the business over the last few years, we are delighted to announce our move to a new facility at 13-15 Smith Street Chatswood.
Our new custom-fitted scanning facility covers just over 1,000 square meters over three floors and has allowed us to install the most up to date electronic equipment in our industry.
We continue to offer the highest level of service, quality and reliability to our clients and our doors are always open if anyone would like a tour.
Release of eView+ Version 9.0
ADEC Preview's secure online image storage solution eView+ has now had a significant upgrade which was released in June to version 9.0.
Along with the wealth of existing features, version 9.0 now boasts some of the following new features:
- Multiple user security down to department or document user level/li>
- Enhanced customisable workflow
- Ability to edit fields is permissions granted
- Departmental grouping
Case Study - St. George
Within any large organisation the sheer volume of HR-related records can steadily grow to unmanageable proportions. In addition, the need for costly hardware and the fact that in-house scanning is labour intensive makes outsourcing an ideal solution that enables an organisation to focus on core business activities.
St.George is one of Australia‘s leading Retail and Business banks and has a large amount of staff across several interstate locations. ADEC Preview was approached to scan all the HR documents on an ongoing basis.
Case Study - Western Australia Museum
Western Australia Museum established in 1891 is one of the oldest organisations in the state. As with any museum, it has accumulated an enormous wealth of records, special publications and supplements pertaining to birds, mammals and reptiles.
Many of the documents are donated and are priceless with generally only a handful of copies in the world. ADEC Preview was approached to digitise these documents, which would then be uploaded into the museum's online ‘Publications of Western Australia’ repository for viewing by the general public.
Overview of additional services
eView+ Online Electronic Image Storage and Workflow

eView+ is the leading web-based service for scanned images of all kinds - a 'Virtual Vault' or 'Web Repository' that offers secure and instant 24/7 access from anywhere in the World.
Once documents are in a digital format they can be instantly uploaded to the secure eView+ website and made available to anyone with the necessary clearance via a standard web browser.