Over recent months, the national news has been full of embarrassing losses of confidential personal data, with both CD ROMs and documentation of a highly sensitive nature being "misplaced". More than anything else, this has highlighted the overriding importance of ensuring high levels of security when dealing with sensitive information at all times and in particular when transporting it.
Therefore when Toshiba Electronics was looking for a partner to take on the job of scanning commercially sensitive material prior to an office relocation, it was no surprise that security came high on their list of requirements. In addition, they were looking for a company which had a track record in dealing with projects of this type and size, and had staff and facilities to deal with it quickly and efficiently.
In turning to ADEC Preview Services, they found that they could rely on their depth of experience across a wide range of different types of scanning and document management. As a result, ADEC Preview was able to offer both the experienced personnel and the in depth knowledge and abilities to provide what Toshiba required. In running the project through ADEC Preview’s state of the art Records Management Centre, the specific accounting requirements in reporting overall extrapolated quantities could also be closely controlled.
When it came to ensuring that the documents, which included customers’ sales orders, arrived safely for the work to be carried out, security was naturally enough a critical aspect of the process. To make certain that there could be no issues in this respect, the collections of the documents were made by a police-vetted logistics team and booked into ADEC Preview’s Records Management Centre over a two day period where the work was carried out. The scanning and filing of the documents was then carried out by staff used to dealing with this type of confidential documentation.
"The security and the reporting were both key elements for us - the first to guarantee complete confidentiality for our customers, and the second to allow us to verify the volume of scanning involved," commented Lin Welsh, who had overall responsibility at Toshiba for the moving project. "ADEC Preview were able to deliver the all round scanning capabilities including the facilities, calibre of staff and levels of security that we required, all with the clarity of communication that we needed to closely monitor progress throughout the project."
his initial scanning project was swiftly followed by a second which covered a number of years’ worth of documentation from the Accounts Department, who were looking to ensure that they had the information in digital form ahead of the office move. This covered a range of different types of documents including purchase orders, proof of delivery papers, VAT returns and expense claims, all of which were handled in the same secure manner, on time and ahead of the move.
Call ADEC Services on 02 8397 6900 or click here to leave an enquiry on our contact us page.