July 2003
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Turbocharged Finance for Peugeot Citroen
Conserving Victorian Values at Dover Harbour Board
The Legal Admissibility of Scanned Documents
Introducing Image Archival on the Web... eView+
This first issue of the on-line edition of INSIDE preview marks a significant expansion of the document management capabilities of ADEC Preview Services.
In April 2003, ADEC Preview acquired scanning/archive specialist Bureauscan, which has now been fully integrated into the the ADEC Preview facility at Hanworth, Middlesex. The combined operation offers complementary document audit, scanning & archiving services to organisations across the whole spectrum of UK businesses and government departments.
Turbocharged Finance for Peugeot Citroen
If you buy a new Peugeot or Citroen, the chances are that you will choose to pay for it under a finance agreement. Banque PSA Finance is the finance arm of the French automotive manufacturer and its UK operation is one of the largest automotive finance providers in the country.
PSA has chosen ADEC Preview to provide a rapid turnaround solution for managing the paperwork involved in car finance. The various forms are faxed from the dealership to the PSA Operations Centre in Redhill for validation and then sent onwards to ADEC Preview. Within a space of 48 hours the documents have been captured and indexed and are available to PSA staff for viewing on-line. Credit applications can be turned around more quickly than ever before and enquiries from the dealer or the purchaser can now be handled in an instant.
The solution offers ADEC Preview's unique blend of leading edge forms processing technology with the essential human touch that is needed for rigorous quality control. ADEC Preview has designed a customised forms processing routine that identifies the unique information on each application and enables the documents to be called up instantly. Images coming from poor quality faxes are digitally enhanced to improve readability and every image is visually inspected for accuracy of data capture.
Digital Camera Winner

The winner of our web site competition this month is Mike Day of Rolls Royce based at Filton. Mike wins the Kodak CX4230 2.0 megapixel digital camera.
Happy snapping Mike!
Conserving Victorian Values at Dover Harbour Board
In the last month ADEC Preview has signed new agreements with a range of new clients to provide scanning and archiving services. One of them is Dover Harbour Board, which has selected ADEC Preview to scan its entire collection of over 20,000 large format drawings and plates.
Some of the drawings date back over 100 years and show the docks as the were in Victorian times. Apart from the historic value though, there are huge practical benefits to having the drawings available digitally. Drawings which previously could take many hours to locate will be available for immediate access and, of course, there is the reassurance of having an electronic backup for this unique and valuable historical record.
So Why Do People Scan?
During the course of client discussions ADEC Preview hears many reasons why people want to scan and archive their documents, including some highly unusual ones! And now, by popular demand, we have compiled our Top 20 Reasons Why People Want To Scan.
The Legal Admissibility of Scanned Documents
One of the key issues affecting a company’s decision to scan and digitally archive documents is whether the images can be used as evidence later. It is also a factor as to whether the original documents can be destroyed or need to be kept in deep storage.
In our latest web article we look at the factors that determine the legal admissibility of scanned documents and review the relevant BS Code of Practice, PD 0008.
ADEC Preview's Image Archive on the Web - eView+
In June ADEC Preview launched its new online image storage service called eView+. Sometimes known as a 'Virtual Vault' or 'Web Repository', eView+ is a state-of-the-art service for storing images of all kinds.
Once documents are scanned for clients they can be instantly uploaded to the secure website and made available immediately to anyone with a standard web browser. This gives massive benefits to clients who need instant access or who have limited space on their own networks.
eView+ offers a range of access packages from online to near-line to offline, with different price bands for each level. This makes it extremely economic and flexible particularly as the service can provide detailed reports on the number of accesses made in a given period.
Chris Wilde of ADEC Preview believes that the new service has universal appeal.
"eView+ allows us to offer a complete service without the need to use the client's own network to store the images. This is particularly helpful for those clients who have a large number of pages or who have network limitations."
Many of ADEC Preview’s clients have started to investigate the new service and so far more than 1,000,000 images are due to be committed to eView+ in the next month alone.
For further information contact:
Chris Wilde 02 8397 6900 or click here to leave an enquiry on our contact us page or info@previewservices.co.uk